S2 Give Your Customers a Label

Give Your Customers a Label

Be sure to give your customers a label. Be sure it contains a powerful word that will make them more likely to feel an invisible pressure to live up to the label. 

Labeling and calling people “Active Listeners” will psychologically make them more likely to be active listeners. We like to be and feel consistent, so when we believe that others see us a certain way, we feel an unconscious pull to remain consistent with that way of being thought of.

You can even create labels for your audience, clients, or customers that they can strive for.

Week ending: last week I saw a bit more traffic, I posted only one additional article on my website, but I plan to remake the home page soon and add a product line. I’ll keep you posted.

Future plans: this week I plan to research my local competition, and create a product line that will be competitive in price, but offer greater value. Stay tuned to see how that goes.

Check out the changes as they happen: Broken Moon Media

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