S2 E4 Be Transparent with Strategic Mistakes

Grow and Online Business By Aaron Jarrels a Broken Moon Media Production

Be Transparent with Strategic Mistakes

Being willing to be transparent with strategic mistakes takes courage, many are all too willing to take credit when things go well, but seem to become paranoid when they think they may have to admit a mistake and try to fix it.

Be Willing to Take Blame as Well as Credit

This week we discuss the psychological principle of being transparent about your strategic mistakes or missteps. Rather than trying to blame your mistakes on outside events or circumstances by admitting you erred, and are taking measures to right the error, customers will often respect your ability to accept blame and continue to purchase from you even after the blunder. 

Week Ending:

In the week ending wrap up, I am seeing a slight upswing in traffic again. I remove the WooCommerce add-on for subscriptions and will replace it this week with gravity-forms (I’ll keep you posted on how that goes).

Be sure to visit the Facebook Group “Grow an Online Business” to comment on the podcast, ask questions, or post your business victories this week.

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Very often, we get stuck in the belief that we have to be perfect. Guess what, no one is ever perfect. If you just seek being better than you were before, you will be successful. Being successful should be our goal, not perfection.



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